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Octavio Paz


AnaMeli tucusito

Welcome to my hummer-life! I am a biologist and researcher at the Colibrí Gorriazul research station with Dr. Alejo Rico-Guevara - a real hummingbird expert. I'm primarily interested in hummingbird evolution and behavior. My undergraduate thesis was about spatiotemporal variation in hummingbird dominance.


All my life, I have been fascinated by nature and its beings. Both of my parents are migrants -so do I- and as they grew up in the countryside, always taught me the beauty of being connected to it. As I grew up, life took me to the biology path and taught me -by the hard way- that this is my path and this is what fills my heart. Right now, I'm fully dedicated to publishing all my years of research and learning as much as I can from others as a field assistant and as a project leader.



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